
Much like ValcinTech logo, this project originates from the graphic design department, a package design class to be more specific. For this project our class was assigned to create a fictional beverage brand and the entire packaging for said brand. Sticking to my island roots, I chose to create my own brand of Jamaica rum and due to the three-dimensional nature of the assignment, which is rare for a graphic design class, I also decided to show off my woodworking skills.

  The name of the brand, “Dominant”, is meant to symbolize victory and is also an allusion to the tabletop game “Dominoes” which is a very popular pass time in the West Indies. The symbolism is further pushed in the logo which utilizes three dominoes enclosed by a winner’s wreath made of curved sugar cane sterns. The pattern within both the dominoes and the label on the bottles is also stylized to have the texture of the sugar cane plant because it is an important in rum. The accenting color on the different bottles is also used differentiate the three different types of rum: “Bronze” for dark rum, “Silver” for white rum, and “Gold” for rum cream. Finishing the packaging of the liquors are custom wooden boxes that resemble dominos case that I cut and assembled in my garage using a table saw, nail gun, and three different wood stains.


SRC Box Art


Light Stick